#686: Question about the time limit of Java Program

ekumen (酷闷)

學校 : 武汉大学
編號 : 3042
來源 : []
最後登入時間 :
2008-10-20 09:06:26
. Unfinished! | From: [] | 發表日期 : 2008-10-15 11:40

How many times of the time limit are Java programs allowed to run for? 

#687: Re:Question about the time limit of Java Program

debugger (殺蟲劑)

學校 : 不指定學校
編號 : 1
來源 : []
最後登入時間 :
2023-10-31 17:39:44
. Unfinished! | From: [] | 發表日期 : 2008-10-16 09:09

How many times of the time limit are Java programs allowed to run for? 

At this time, the Java language shares the same time limit with all other languages.
Well, I know that is not fair for Java programmer.
I am now about to prolong the time limit by three times.

Please wait a little while  :)




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