e969. 大吃大喝 (Big eater)
標籤 :
通過比率 : 1123人/1226人 ( 92% ) [非即時]

最近更新 : 2024-01-21 06:37

範例輸入 #1
65 5 0
範例輸出 #1
0: Wayne eats an Apple pie, and now he has 33 dollars.
範例輸入 #2
143 18 1
範例輸出 #2
0: Wayne drinks a Corn soup, and now he has 88 dollars.
18: Wayne eats an Apple pie, and now he has 56 dollars.
36: Wayne drinks a Corn soup, and now he has 1 dollar.
範例輸入 #3
55 1 1
範例輸出 #3
0: Wayne drinks a Corn soup, and now he doesn't have money.
範例輸入 #4
31 10 0
範例輸出 #4
Wayne can't eat and drink.
記憶體限制: 512 MB
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提示 :
TOI練習賽201903新手組第3題 [管理者: pcshic (PCSHIC) ]

本題狀況 本題討論 排行

編號 身分 題目 主題 人氣 發表日期
21151 fire5386 (becaidorz) e969
1931 2020-04-20 19:37
39159 linyohan3@gm ... (林宥安) e969
264 2024-01-21 00:01
37416 evelync0307@ ... (張盈兮) e969
277 2023-09-07 14:32
35028 wubaie (小億) e969
252 2023-05-03 13:45
30657 easontsai050 ... (KagariET01) e969
609 2022-06-03 22:09